*hanya ada dalam mimpi ta*
"My knight..."
"Yes my lord?"
"You've been so long time stay beside me."
"My lord." I'm kneel to him.
I've already be his knight since i'm 8th. Maybe it's 16 years over.
"Maybe it's our last war..."
"...and maybe i'll end on this war."
"I promise to protect you."
"Yes you are. You already have."
"It's not enough, isn't, my lord?"
"No. it's enough, sometimes you sacrifice more than i do to my people."
"It's all for you my lord."
"I just can't understand."
"What is it my lord ?"
"Because... i love you." That words fill my heart, my mind and all my reason but i never tell it to him. "Because... you're my lord and i'm your knight, i promise to protect you."
"Thank you."
"My lord."
"Then you'll ready for death."
"For victory, my lord."
"If we win, i'll tell someone i love that i love her. What do you think, my knight?"
"That's a good idea, my lord."
I know her, she is princess Laito, crown princess of the South.
Then he moved out. I follow him. He rides a white horse and i'm black one.
He leads all his army to this army so brave.
"My knight... are you with me ?" He asks me.
"Til the end, my lord, i give you my oath."
"Good." Then he raise his sword, scream loudly, "To the death!!!"
"To our victory!!!" I'm screaming as loud as him.
That's the last time i saw him. I protect him, but when someone stick me and i fell down, i never see his face anymore.
He's just like, fade away...
Everyday, i just like hear his voice, but he's no where...
i've already go to the south, perhaps he visits his queen but he wasn't there.
"Where are you my lord?" i feel so lost without him. I don't wanna be a general without my king, i just wanna be a knight for him.
"Are you still with me ?"
"Ever and after my lord."
*Cerita apaan ney kayak ginian?? hahaha... murahan pisan yah? tapi jelek2 gini juga da bikinan ta, ta teh rada pusing soalnya pake bahasa inggris... hehehe*
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