his heart's mine


adikku sayang, bageur, pinteur, geulis, menak....
(padahal ga sodaraan)
meni kamu teh yah ga taw terimakasih sama kakakmu (padahal ga sedarah) ini teh...
jadi bingung saya teh ngeliat kamu...
mumpung saya lagi iseng nih ga bisa tidur, sekalian yah saya komentarin kamu...
okeh, ga sebut produk, gapapa...

jadi begini, de....
saya itu terlalu menyayangkan kalo temen saya didapetin sama kamu, menurut saya, kamu itu....
yah jauh lah dari kata 'minimal', kamu itu... maaf yah, ga masuk kriteria...
yah kalo mau cari orang yang rada mantes yah minimal kayak AKU gini,,, heheh bercanda deng,,,

kamu itu ga masuk itungan bangetlah,,
apalagi mulut kamu, itu kalo ngomong kok ga bisa baik2 sih ?
ya biasa aja dong, aku kan temennya dia... bukan musuhnya... kalo sekarang sih aku ngajak musuhan sama dia,,,

ga usahlah benci sama aku, toh aku ngga ngapa-ngapain,,
aku tetep baik kok, ga ngajak berantem sama kamu...

aku hanya sedikit berpikir tentang dia yang berada disisimu, apa gara-gara karmanya dia ga kena sama aku jadi dia dapetinnya orang yang jelek ? apa gitu ?
kalo kamu mau diputusin udah lulus, ya aku sih ga masalah, cuma... kenapa mesti jadi sih sama kamu ?
kusadari... mungkin pas aku lagi sibuk2nya kuliah, terus dia kesepian, jadinya nyari orang buat diajak ngobrol, satu hal yang aku sayangkan, kenapa orangnya kamu ? kenapa engga yang lain aja ?
perasaan diluar sana masih banyak tuh orang yang bisa dijadiin pacar sementaranya dia...
kenapa mesti kamu sih ?
ya Allah... kenapa orang sebaik dia harus dapetin orang yang tidak baik kayak dia sih ?
ga habis pikir...

kalo kamu ga suka, yaudah ga usah buka fb ta, lagian siapa yang nyuruh kamu buka fb ta terus maki-maki ta d fb kamu ? aduwh neng nong tong tong... come one use ur mind ! Don't just stuck in ur fucking head !
i don't wanna take my self on race with u, cz everyone knows the answer, he choose me rather he choose you...
of course...
who's gonna choose u ?
blind one ?

don't make me upset ok girl, i'm not a high school girl anymore,,,
and it's nonsense to race with a girl...

i'm not looking for a boy, i'm looking for a man,,
so please, don't make me upset again... i'm to tired to stay in bussiness with you...
you're perfectly a kids for me, a toy for him...
don't u realize ?
well, see... my evil side raise,,
so please i don't wanna hurt u, i don't wanna make u suffer or worse...
so don't do something i hate...
don't hate me cz i'm not deserve it...
but probably i've to hate u cz u play on me...

i'm tired...
don't bugs me anymore...
i'm surrender to let him stay with you, not to be the looser...
so don't think that u're a winner....
if i want, i could take him back...
well, girl...
stop to thinking that u're a gift, in his eyes u're just a 'runner'....

Aslm, ta, actually there's something i wanna tell u...
i wanna explain this to you clearly, face to face...
but i know u're so busy...
ta, i do love you, i did and i will always...
but i realize my stats, i don't wanna dream too high to u...
but i still hope, for lucky time would come to me and u'll love me someday...
even u never love me anyway...
and someday u go too far from me and i feel can't reach you anymore,,,
but u've to know something, this heart would be urs forever...
then she comes.... i feel she's so close to me, then i try to fill my days with her,
i'm sorry i did this to u, but u've to know my heart's urs.

isn't his words are kind of bullshit or something ?
i just wanna laugh with my friends when i show this message....
his words are completely pointless ! completely bullshit and i just wanna laugh loud when i read it..

well girl, if his heart's mine...
then what's ur position in his heart when his heart's mine ?
i hope i could make u realize and see the truth,,
but poor you, u even don't know what exactly i'm saying...
i call u jerk then u replied thanks,,,
how if i call u b*tch ? what would u replied ? "i am" ?
that's why i can't love him, he's purely as stupid as u...
even he has a cute face and tall... but that's only physically, it would lost...
but one thing, KNOWLEDGE, that's something wouldn't lost ever...

at last...
i don't wanna make any relation with you and ur boyfriend, i'm bored... u can't make me interested, yeah at the first time i feel that u're interesting but now, i feel u're boring....
i don't wanna play with you anymore..
it's wasting my time...
how about you ? will he adds u again when u removed him ?
wanna some test more ?

u've to know something, he can't refuse me...
he can't just go away from my life...
cz just like what he says,, his heart's mine....

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