berceritalah kemarahanku tentangmu

Nah kawan,, harusnya kita itu kalo ketemu kayak gitu, biasa aja... kayak ga pernah kenal, gue ga perlu liat lo dan lo ga perlu liat gue...
we're strangers at all gitu loh, so u don't have to greet me and neither like i...
gue itu feels so tired banget jadi ur shadow... why sih gue can't be ur real world ?
u don't like me? of course!
lagian i'm not as good as you think gitu,, so u don't have to love me with pleasure...
eh kauuand!
you ga usah kegeeran, i will not chase your shadow lagi kok,, cape taw... i'm tired...
Michelle on kejar tayang said, "No ! I'm tired, i wanna go home."
eh you juga don't have to talk louder kalo gue ada di sekitar lo! LEBAY!
you wanna caper or something ?
kamu ga perlu, honorable man like you don't have to kneel...
i am your sleigh, sebutkan keinginanmu, my lord.
tinggal bilang, "Leave me."
then gue will leave you kayak what exactly you want.
terus pas elo bilang, "Wish me luck to pedekate to Chemist girl."
then gue yang loyal for you bakalan wish you luck.
Pas elo bilang, "You're munafik one."
ya gue sih follow your command aja be munafik one.
terus pas elo teriak, "BE QUIET !"
then i'll be very quiet and go to the place where i belong, not di hatimu anymore dong,,,
jadi you don't have to call anymore or give me ugly messages, soalnya i would not reply it...
couse, you're not sorry...
you teh almost every month hurt me again and again... like ga bored to make me cry... bener like Taylor Swift, "YOU'RE NOT SORRY. THIS IS THE LAST STRAW. DON'T WANNA HURT ANYMORE. I'LL NOT BELIEVE YOU LIKE I DID BEFORE."

You sama aja you like your fucking friends! hahah... omdo you mah! gue will not believe you anymore. Thanks for all your suck-time...

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